Education & Training

TrueCar provides an update on vehicle sales statistics along with helpful insights. Learn about why they predicted vehicle sales to rise 16% in June, and other useful data. 

NVTA has aligned an offer with EFS LLC to bring you a comprehensive fleet fuel card offering. The NVTA fleet card is not a credit or debit card but a robust fuel and products purchase instrument allowing you more

The automotive world is buzzing with the impact of the semiconductor chip shortage, and for good reason, but no one is talking about the real problem. There is an impending shortage of ... bacon! Apparently, while we were all were restricted to our homes there was a pig shortage that will now be exacerbated with the end of COVID related restrictions and the growing demand for hot dogs and other items.

Bacon shortages aside, the real question facing the finished vehicle logistics world is just what impact is this current chip shortage having on the number of vehicles to be hauled? After all, each vehicle hauled represents the much-needed revenue that keeps our industry moving forward. Get insights into the latest trends in new car sales and production.

Insurance companies are not in the business of losing money; however, since 2011 transportation-specific markets have underperformed the overall insurance market in terms of the “Loss Ratio” (losses paid out versus premiums received). In fact, since 2015 the Loss Ratio for the trucking industry has exceeded 100%, meaning the insurance industry has lost money every year. The results have been increasing rates, fewer insurers, and the expectation that carriers will share in the losses by accepting higher deductibles.

Learn why your premiums are higher and your losses are increasing, and how you can best position yourself in today's insurance market.

Where can I find an insurance policy designed for carhaulers? Which fuel providers have the cheapest diesel prices right now? Who do I call when I am broke down on the side of the road? If you have ever asked yourself questions like these then the National Vehicle Transporters Alliance (NVTA) is the answer to your questions!

United Road education on correct key control techniques to prevent stolen vehicles.

Ford instrucions on snow removal for snow covered vehicles.

Ford instructions on handling the Keys for Mustang Mach-E.

Ford special instructions for the F-150 Console Mounted Gear Shift.

Ford special loading instructions for Mustang Mach-E